S05E96 Decoding Skincare: Top Amazon Skin Care Products with Guest Sasha Rhee
In this fun episode of Botox and Burpees, host Dr. Sam Rhee is joined by his daughter Sasha Rhee for an in-depth discussion on skincare.
They unravel the myriad of products Sasha orders from Amazon, showcasing Sasha's diverse skincare routine, influenced heavily by Korean beauty trends and TikTok recommendations.
Sasha reviews some of her favorite products, and highlights the importance of a multi-step skincare regimen, the role of different products like toners, moisturizers, and cleansers, and offers tips for maintaining healthy skin. Tune in to learn about the latest in skincare trends and product recommendations!
• Importance of understanding what’s in your skincare products
• The impact of TikTok on skincare trends and purchases
• Breakdown of the 10-step Korean skincare routine
• Essential products and their roles in maintaining good skin
• The significance of double cleansing for thorough skincare
• Addressing misconceptions about hydration and moisturizers
• Discussing the value of early eye care and preventive measures
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S05E96 Decoding Skincare: Top Amazon Skin Care Products with Guest Sasha Rhee
Sam Rhee: Welcome back to Botox and burpees. I have with me my regular guest, Sasha Re, my daughter 20, or sorry, 19. Uh, she's currently a sophomore in college and this episode is about skincare. And the reason why I decided to do this episode was because we have an Amazon account and I would notice.
That 90 percent of it were the skin care products and it's like, what is all this? And obviously, I think my daughter has very nice skin and she takes care of it. Um, I. Uh, as a plastic surgeon know the basics of skincare and I do, uh, some basic management, but not enough to really delve into the, uh, little fine minutiae of it.
And so I thought it would be interesting just to go back through all of these crazy products that she orders and just ask her like, why? Yeah. Well, [00:01:00] all right. All of these diverse set of skincare products and why she uses them. So, I'm gonna go through, and I know some of these are, um, your mother's, so we'll skip over those.
I just can't keep track of all of them. So, um, let's see here. The first one is So, how are you, by the way?
Sasha Rhee: I'm good.
Sam Rhee: Okay. I'm
Sasha Rhee: good. Had a rough, had a rough couple weeks in my skin, actually, so we're back.
Sam Rhee: Oh, right. Well, you know, with the end of, uh, Vinyl season. Yeah, it can be very stressful. Stress is, uh, one of the big ones.
Lack of sleep. Uh, all right. So, I think you told me that this, uh, Um, was this Dr. Althea
Sasha Rhee: 5, yes.
Sam Rhee: That's yours?
Sasha Rhee: That's my most recent moisturizer. Okay,
Sam Rhee: so it's called Dr. Althea, and if anyone wants to know what any of these products are, let me know, and I will, uh, DM me either on YouTube or, um, on Instagram at Botox and Burpees Podcast, and I'll let you know, uh, what it is on, um, the details on, uh, Amazon.
This is called Dr. Althea 3 4 5 Relief Cream Daily Face Moisturizer Blemish Relief Care Soothing [00:02:00] Recovery and Moisture with Niacin. Cinnamide, panthenol, Korean vegan skin care for all skin types.
Sasha Rhee: So don't know what half of those things are, but I recently bought, this is my most recent purchase. It's um, a moisturizer that you put on at the end of your skincare routine.
And every Korean person or person that does Korean skincare knows that there's like a 10 step process you're supposed to do.
Sam Rhee: 10 steps? Yes.
Sasha Rhee: You got to get in with the program. So this is my moisturizer. I actually was influenced on TikTok to buy this. Which TikTok does influence me with a lot of my Korean skin cares because a lot of influencers will say, I've tried all these different things.
I recommend this. That one was really good because I saw a lot of tiktoks where it was like the before and after of using it for like a week and a half, and it really helped them and I like it. Um. So I decided to try it out because my old, uh, moisturizer was from Innisfree and I bought it at the H Mart in Durham, in like, Cary, actually, near Durham.
Um, yeah. And I'm always looking to change it up. And I like it. Five stars out of five.
Sam Rhee: Oh, [00:03:00] alright. How about this milk makeup one? Is that yours? Yes. It's not mine, but
Sasha Rhee: yeah.
Sam Rhee: So it's called Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Primer. Hydrates and grips makeup for up to 12 hours. All skin types. Vegan. Cruelty free.
Sasha Rhee: Yes.
That's actually mom's order, but she bought it because I have it. Um, basically that is not like a skincare product, but it's to like protect, not protect your skin, but it's supposed to make the makeup stick to your skin. Like if you, I've seen, um, like gymnast, for example, on TikTok put that primer in their hands and like it, they use it as like the grip that they need on the bar.
Oh my God. It's that sticky. So
Sam Rhee: you could use that on like CrossFit for like, I guess, yeah,
Sasha Rhee: but it's supposed to like stick it to your face.
Sam Rhee: And it works?
Sasha Rhee: Yes. And Cause it's mostly so your makeup doesn't fall off your face or melt or whatever if you're sweating and things like that. It's best to really stick it.
Cause if you wear like foundation, that's covering your whole skin.
Sam Rhee: So, when do you use it?
Sasha Rhee: Before I put my makeup on.
Sam Rhee: Every day?
Sasha Rhee: Not all the time. If I'm going out, for example, or I have a long night, or like, a long event ahead of me, I [00:04:00] will.
Sam Rhee: Okay. How about this, uh, Skin Gym Ice Cool Ice Roller? Is that yours?
Sasha Rhee: No, I got that for Katie.
Sam Rhee: Oh, okay. Uh, and then how about this Tatcha Bomb. Okay, let's skip that one then. Yeah, we, we don't, we want youthful products here. Uh, the MediCube Deep Vita C.
Sasha Rhee: Those are moms, but I use them a lot, actually.
Sam Rhee: Okay, so it's the MediCube Deep Vita C facial pads, vitamin C toner pads for uneven skin tone, 500, 000 ppm of vitamin water, and three types of vitamins, hydrating and resurfacing.
Sasha Rhee: Is that the brown with the dark, yeah. Yeah,
Sam Rhee: with the gold.
Sasha Rhee: Yeah, so I have the other version of it, but it's very similar, same brand, MediCube, very popular brand for Korean skincare. Essentially, you know how like sometimes you have toner and you'll put it on the cotton pad?
Sam Rhee: Of course. No, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Sasha Rhee: Okay, so a lot of people will use toner and like they'll, it's like a, Toner is like to prep your face after you wash it.
Sam Rhee: Okay.
Sasha Rhee: And so a lot of people have a thing and you pour it into one of those cotton pads and wipe it on your face, supposed to get rid of all [00:05:00] Whatever's left over from, like, you washing your face.
These are pads that are already pre soaked in this, like, chemical concoction. And so what you just have to take out a pad, wipe it on your face, you can leave it on your face for a little bit, and you throw it out. And that is supposed to get all, like, the rich vitamins in. And, like, those, um, pads I think have, like, a lot of pores to really soak it up.
I love those. Uh, that's the first step of my skin routine, morning and night.
Sam Rhee: Out of ten?
Sasha Rhee: Yes. I don't know if I have a ten step, but it's definitely supposed to be a ten.
Sam Rhee: Oof. Okay.
Sasha Rhee: Koreans know what's up.
Sam Rhee: Alright. Uh, MediCube Collagen.
Sasha Rhee: Also use those, basically.
Sam Rhee: Okay, so it's MediCube Collagen Overnight Wrapping Peel Off Facial Mask Pack.
Elasticity and hydration care reduces sagging and dullness. Hydrolyzed collagen for glowing skin.
Sasha Rhee: Already actually used this two days ago. This is also mom's, but I use it a lot. It's now, this is an overnight mask. So, it's full of collagen. You take a spatula that they give you with the thing. You squeeze it on you.
Wipe it on your face [00:06:00] and it creates a thin layer so when you sleep it like becomes a mask and in the morning you can just peel it off. Collagen is a really popular thing now because you know, I'm sure you know, that's supposed to make your skin like youthful, bouncy, you know, all the things that you want on healthy skin.
So, it's very like that's, the collagen is like everyone really usually has a product. That has collagen in it at some point in their skin routine. For me, I have that same thing, but it's, um, a serum. And I use that. That's like step four, I think. Or maybe step five. I have so many ser
Sam Rhee: How do you even keep track of all these?
I swear to God. They're all
Sasha Rhee: important for different things. Collagen, making you look young.
Sam Rhee: Alright. Uh, how about the Cellamax Jiwoogae? That's mom. Okay, how about the um, Face Shop Rice Water Bright Foaming? Oh,
Sasha Rhee: the pink one. Yeah. That's my new cleanser I recently bought because I found mold in my old cleanser.
Sam Rhee: Okay, so this is the Face Shop Rice Water Bright Foaming Facial Cleanser with Ceramide Gentle Face Wash for Hydrating and Moisturizing [00:07:00] Vegan Face Cleanser Makeup Remover for All Skin Types.
Sasha Rhee: Yes, so that's step two of my skincare routine. You basically, it's a cleanser. You wash your face with it. You scrub it, whatever.
Um, that's like a water based cleanser. So that's the one that gets all foamy. Um, Really like it. I got that one because I needed a new one because like I said my other one had mold in it. Um, Cleansing is like a quintessential. You need to at least be like water cleansing. I double cleanse, so I have two steps for washing my face.
Sam Rhee: What is the first step?
Sasha Rhee: The first step, which is somewhere in there, I was looking for it a long time ago, is an oil cleanser. I use the centella one, centella. That's essentially like not, it's like oil, like in your hands, but you use it to like melt, because you know oil repels oil, like melt everything off, whether you're wearing makeup or you just have pores, and then because you don't want that oil to build up in your pores, you then use, go in with the water cleanser after, and that gets rid of everything.
So you need to double cleanse.
Sam Rhee: I assume soap has never actually touched your face in your entire life.
Sasha Rhee: Like regular soap? Yeah. Why would I do that? [00:08:00] That These are made for your face. I'm not putting body wash near my face. What
Sam Rhee: was I thinking? Um, Mario Badescu drying lotion? Yes, also
Sasha Rhee: bought that.
Sam Rhee: Oh, so Mario Badescu drying lotion for all skin types.
Fast. Fast acting blemish spa treatment with salicylic acid, sulfur and zinc oxide dries surface blemishes overnight.
Sasha Rhee: I have actually so many pictures of me wearing this because I look, I would pull it up, but I look so stupid because it's a drying lotion. This is also, like, for example, a lot of these things are overnight. If you don't want to use that MediCube collagen mask that dries on your face, you can use this. I use this when I have pimples.
After I'm doing my skincare, and I'm like, shoot, I need to get rid of them very quickly. This, you put a q tip in. It has this pink stuff at the bottom with all the, like, the chemicals, and you dot it wherever there's a pimple on your face. You put it right on top, you sleep in it, wash it off the next morning.
It's supposed to, like, calm the pimple. Um, really good. I bought that, actually, because I had a couple of late night pimples. I do. God, I was like, I need to get rid of these immediately. But really good, [00:09:00] and even some guys use it, like Nick uses that, for example.
Sam Rhee: No, I remember this has been around for a long time, and I know because I've seen it in our cabinet, um, and I think the two things, uh, anything, like, what I usually do for plastic surgeons is for like acute issues, if I have to manage something, um, the biggest thing isn't just to get people not to touch.
Sasha Rhee: Yes.
Sam Rhee: No picking, peeling, squeezing, and if you make them put stuff on their face, then they're less likely to actually touch it. This also
Sasha Rhee: soothes the pimples usually, like when I put it on, so I don't want to like touch anything, and it dries very quickly.
Sam Rhee: Uh, MediCube triple collagen serum?
Sasha Rhee: Oh, that's the, the pink one!
Oh, that's the one. I bought that one. That's the one that I use. Okay. Um, very good. Step five. My skincare routine,
Sam Rhee: uh, the mighty patch original patch.
Sasha Rhee: Oh, pimple patches. Yeah.
Sam Rhee: So it's a mighty patch original patch from hero cosmetics, hydrocolloid acne, pimple patch for covering zits and blemishes in face and skin.[00:10:00]
Vegan friendly, not tested on animals.
Sasha Rhee: Very popular as well for these pimple patches. There's a bunch of different brands. Um, I like the clear ones because they kind of hide in your face. This is like, um, if you need a daytime or nighttime solution to your pimples, you can wear them. I wear them sometimes to class where I have pimples on my face.
You just cover them. They don't work the best for you, but I don't have that much like actual like zits per se. I have like more whiteheads. I have seen though a lot of the time you wear them, it really sucks everything out of the pimple. So when you take it off, it's much More like toned down.
Sam Rhee: Does it have to be popped the pimple in order?
Sasha Rhee: necessarily these help pull it out like pull out all What the pus whatever is in there so that you don't have to pop it These are very popular. Like I think I see so many kids wearing pimple patches now even guys I've seen a lot of guys wearing pimple patches now
Sam Rhee: I would approve because it just prevents them from or makes it less likely for them to touch it And if it's something that's a little bit soothing So that's great.
Moisturizing. That's great. MediCube Zero Pore Pads. Is that you?
Sasha Rhee: That, is that the [00:11:00] white one?
Sam Rhee: Uh, with the blue. That's
Sasha Rhee: the one that I actually use. Yeah, like the other ones are what mom used. I use those.
Sam Rhee: Oh, so this is a medicated, uh, sorry, MediCube Zero Pore Pads 2. 0 Dual Textured Facial Toner Pads Exfoliation Pore Care with 4.
5 percent AHA alpha hydroxy acid lactic acid and 0. 45 percent BHA beta hydroxy acid. I think salicylic acid, ideal for all skin types.
Sasha Rhee: Yeah, those ones I really like because I've gone through a lot of different toner pads. The MediQ Collagen ones, the MediQ Vita C, and now these. And this is my second, this was the second one that I bought.
Actually, because I went through my first one very quickly. These, like I said, always the first step of my night routine after I double cleanse, so step three. Really like them because These pads have the pores, but also one side is like, bumpy, almost, and the other side is smooth. So that's where the exfoliating comes in, because you can like, you know, like the bumps kind of help you, like, exfoliate.
Your face, um, and obviously all the top skin care products these days, everyone has some sort of acid in their skin, whether it's Salicylic, [00:12:00] whatever it's called. Salicylic. Salicylic or BHA. Some people do chemical peels as you've seen, like we've seen.
Sam Rhee: Yeah, I used to do those too for patients.
Sasha Rhee: Yeah, and then also it's just like everyone though has some sort of serum or toner with that in because that acid is supposed to be good for you apparently.
Sam Rhee: Yeah, it's, uh, both antibacterial. A lot of the alpha hydroxies and the beta hydroxies are like exfoliants as well, so it helps to just like clear off all this gunk so it doesn't clog and, and cause, uh, breakouts. Alright, I can only go through like maybe two or three more of these and then I'm sort of like up to here with Skinny Skin.
You don't
Sasha Rhee: want to hear my 10 steps to a routine. I know every product.
Sam Rhee: Oh my god. Uh, let's see here. Um, how about this? Uh, you don't use, uh, Madagascar centella lotion.
Sasha Rhee: Oh!
Sam Rhee: Okay, that's your The
Sasha Rhee: centella?
Sam Rhee: Yeah, okay, so
Sasha Rhee: Yes, you went deep into the order history.
Sam Rhee: Yeah, that's, uh, yeah. So, Madagascar centella light cleansing oil, [00:13:00] gentle oil cleanser for face.
Sasha Rhee: That's the first step of my skincare routine that I told you. That bottle, I don't even know when I ordered that. It's lasted me since then and I'm almost done with it. But usually I'm like, I'm like a consumer. I'm, you know, I'm peak consumerism. I'll buy something and then I won't finish it. And then I'll buy a different one because TikTok influenced me to.
Cleansers I've stuck with the entire time. This oil cleanser has been the only one I've used. And I, this is the first time probably in my life that I've actually used a product like in slow experiment.
Sam Rhee: As someone who's paying for your amazon, uh purchases that makes me sad
Sasha Rhee: so um Top tier also was influenced from this through tiktok There's one girl that I really like who is kind of similar skin type to me. She used it. I will say also I am Lucky enough and where a lot of these products, they look great on TikTok and the influencers love them, but people don't realize if you have sensitive skin, a lot of these are bad for you.
Like if it's sensitive, you don't want to put like a lot of chemicals on it.
Sam Rhee: How sensitive is your skin?
Sasha Rhee: I [00:14:00] don't have sensitive skin. You do not. I was blessed with great genetics, guys. Um, neither of my parents had that bad acne. So I have pretty like durable skin, I would say. Like I can try. A bunch of new products and some people have to really give it a trial run or put it on their arm or something because they're worried they'll be allergic.
I don't think I've ever broken out from a single product.
Sam Rhee: Very lucky.
Sasha Rhee: Purito
Sam Rhee: Centella Unscented Cream. It's green.
Sasha Rhee: Oh, wait, are you sure it's not a serum?
Sam Rhee: It's a serum. Yes,
Sasha Rhee: thank you. That's Steph.
Sam Rhee: Sorry, it's Purito Centella Unscented Serum.
Sasha Rhee: That's Steph.
Sam Rhee: Ampule Soothing Calming Facial Serum for Face Vegan and Cruelty free.
Why is everything vegan, like? Because
Sasha Rhee: people like my aunt, for example, will not buy it if it says it's on animals. My aunt's, you know, emo, her entire skincare, her entire skincare and beauty routine are all by products that do not test on animals.
Sam Rhee: Okay. It's a
Sasha Rhee: big ethical concern, apparently. Because also the, the makeup industry has been doing it for so long that now everyone's [00:15:00] pushing for them to not.
Okay. Love this serum. Same girl on TikTok that influenced me to buy that oil cleanser also influenced me to buy this. This is kind of like, I don't really know if this is helping my skin that much, but it's cooling. So essentially, you know, sometimes my face is red. You know, like, I have blemishes, whatever, I put this on and it's just very cooling to my entire face.
Um, so that's step seven or eight of my skincare routine.
Sam Rhee: How long does your skincare routine take?
Sasha Rhee: Not that long. With washing my face and brushing my teeth, like, ten minutes.
Sam Rhee: Wait, you can do ten steps in ten minutes?
Sasha Rhee: Well, because you're just putting it on your face. Do you want to hear my 10 steps? No,
Sam Rhee: I don't.
I don't. If people want, listen, if we want to, if enough people want to hear it, then we will do a whole episode about the 10 scare, 10 steps of your skincare routine. All right. Last, uh, product here. Wait, are you Beauty of Joseon?
Sasha Rhee: The eye cream?
Sam Rhee: Yeah. Is that you? All right. Beauty of Joseon revive eye serum with retinol [00:16:00] niacinamide correction for puffy eye bags, fine lines, dark circles, wrinkles.
Sasha Rhee: Wow, I forgot this was like, this must have been in like August or September. This is my big skinnier overhaul. These are all staple pieces in my skincare routine. This is step nine. It's an, it's an eye cream, essentially. I liked getting into eye creams in high school because, you know, they get rid of bags.
I think I don't have that bad bags. Honestly, I think it's kudos to this cream because it has a lot of retinol. When you're dealing with eye bags, you know, retinol is all the rage right now. Gets rid of wrinkles, like it says, fine lines.
Sam Rhee: Yeah, but you're 19. How many wrinkles and, like, bags do you really have?
I don't know. I'm an econ major. Life's hard. But I didn't think it was just I think it's just good, even because, like, it helps. Because I think eyes are a very central part. And so if you can have a light under eye section, it does elevate your face. Um, I like it because I think it's just good to have something focused on that area.
Like, typical moisturizer is just to keep your skin clear. But, you know, with eye bags and stuff like that, um, a lot of products you see [00:17:00] nowadays are like Like, instead of just face masks, there's eye masks now, like, just for your eyes. Um, it's a big thing in Korea especially.
Right, okay, well.
Sasha Rhee: Love that product.
Ten out of ten. I love Beauty of Joseon.
Sam Rhee: Would recommend, huh? Well, thank you, Sasha, for just a little bit of a deep dive into your Amazon ordering history on skincare.
Sasha Rhee: Thank you for paying for that.
Sam Rhee: I did not even realize I was. to be honest.
Sasha Rhee: Amazon is the life hack if you want to buy something and your dad won't know until years after you bought it.
Sam Rhee: It just comes as like a bill. I don't know for me. All right. So, um, anyway, if you would like to know more about any of these skincare products, let us know, uh, hit us up on, uh, the YouTube channel, uh, under comments or DM me, uh, Botox and Burpees podcast, uh, on Instagram. And as always, thank you again, Sasha.